Beamer example 2
start or LaTeX beamer class examples
% By using hyperref={pdfpagelabels=false} you get rid off:
% Package hyperref Warning: Option `pdfpagelabels' is turned off
% (hyperref) because \thepage is undefined.
% Hyperref stopped early
% Using lmondern and you get rid off this:
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% (Font) size <5> substituted on input line 22.
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% (Font) up to 1.0pt have occurred.
% If \title{…} \author{…} come after \begin{document}
% you get the following warnig:
% Package hyperref Warning: Option `pdfauthor' has already been used,
% (hyperref) ...
% So it is here before \begin{document}
\title{Beamer Class a little nicer}
\author{Sascha Frank}
\usepackage{beamerthemesplit} % new
% Alternatively, you can also use the usetheme Warsaw
% \usetheme{Warsaw}
\frametitle{Table of contents}
\section{Section no.1}
\frametitle{frame title}
Each frame should have a title.
\subsection{Subsection no.1.1 }
Without title somethink is missing.
\section{Section no. 2}
\subsection{Lists I}
\frametitle{unnumbered lists}
\item keyword
\item still another keyword
\frametitle{lists with single pause}
\item keyword \pause
\item still another keyword
\frametitle{lists with pause}
\item keyword
\item still another keyword
\item a third one
\subsection{Lists II}
\frametitle{numbered lists}
\item keyword
\item still another keyword
\frametitle{numbered lists with single pause}
\item keyword \pause
\item still another keyword
\frametitle{numbered lists with pause}
\item keyword
\item still another keyword
\item a third one
\section{Section no.3}
\begin{tabular}{|l|c|r|p{1.5 cm }|}
left & centers & right & width \\
l & C & r & p \\
\frametitle{Tables with pause}
\begin{tabular}{c c c}
A & B & C \\
1 & 2 & 3 \\
A & B & C \\
\section{Section no. 4}
\begin{block}{title of the bloc}
bloc text
\begin{exampleblock}{title of the bloc}
bloc text
\begin{alertblock}{title of the bloc}
bloc text
Sascha Frank
Last modified: Fri Jun 1 12:54:48 CEST 2012